Make Secure Payments
You must only make payments using one of the authorised payment methods below
You can click this link below to make a secure payment via our payment provider Stripe through any debit or credit card.
United Kingdom
Account Name: Edulytic Ltd
Sort Code: 40-11-56
Account Number: 20840866
Reference: Consultancy Fees
This is our official company account in the UK, if you are making payments from the UK, this is the only account you should make a payment.
Account Holder Name : Edulytic
Account Number : 921020043551718
IFSC Code : UTIB0000269
UPI Payment
Title: Danish Tahir
United Bank Limited (UBL)
Account Number: 0195291703679
IBAN: PK20UNIL0109000291703679
Reference: Consultancy Fees
This is our director’s account, this is the only account you should make payments in Pakistan.
We don’t accept any cash payments in any of our offices. Also, you must not make any payments to any of our employees. Please use other payment methods mentioned on this page.